Monday, July 18, 2005

The Mystery of Suspense

I enjoy a good suspense novel and especially like Mary Higgins Clark. I also like to see a good suspense movie every now and then. But in my own life, I would much rather like to know what is going on right away -- the sooner, the better. Just please don't keep me hanging!

I certainly haven't meant to keep all of you hanging since my last blog entry about the potential birth mom who e-mailed us. The truth is, I have been distracted by other things and don't really have any news to share.

The expectant mother who contacted us did respond to my first e-mail to her. She even told us more about herself and asked us a question about how close we are to her work. (Turns out she lives in our state and works about a hour from our home.) I promptly responded and asked her a couple of questions. Unfortunately, we haven't heard back from her.

I don't know if she changed her mind, didn't feel comfortable sharing more about herself or is having a difficult time with her decision. Maybe she is still planning to write again, but isn't sure what else to say. Perhaps, she just needs some time to sort things out.

So, for now, I will stay in suspense. I will probably write to her one more time to let her know we understand she has a lot to think about and give her our agency contact info to help her make the decision that is right for her.

Then, we will return to our suspense-filled adoption journey and hope that one day soon the mystery of how, when and where we will become parents will finally be answered.

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