Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Strength & Determination Will Carry Me Through

I've never considered myself a strong person, even though friends and family have told me I am. I've always wondered how they could possibly think I'm strong when I'm so emotional. I seem to feel things and be affected by people and events more than the typical person. I recently learned that being emotional is not synonomous with being weak.

In the past few weeks, I've heard numerous comments from others about the strength and determination I've shown throughout our difficult journey to become parents. A few people have even told me that I inspire them! The amazing part is that some of these comments are from people I've never even met, but have communicated with through e-mail or on an adoption forum. Here are a couple of my favorite comments:

"Dee, even though I am fairly new to the boards, I felt a surge of excitement reading about your two possibilities back to back. I'm so sad for you that they are coming out this way, but your strength is very admirable and encouraging." -H, forum member

"I'm inspired by your continued dedication to finding your child, and your determination to stay positive. I know both are extremely hard to maintain(even though you've showed such grace)...so my hat's off to you and your resolute spirit." -C, soon-to-be adoptive parent

The first time someone made a comment about how strong I am despite our many disappointments, I thought: "I'm not strong. I cry and get depressed just like everyone else." After a few more comments, I quickly realized that despite the sadness and disappointment, I keep going and refuse to give up. And that is a true indication of my inner strength.

So even though we have no potential adoption leads right now, I am still busy networking to find a child. I never imagined the wait would be this hard or long, but my strength and determination will carry me through.

1 comment:

petunia said...

After all we (IF survivors) have been through what other choice do we have than to be strong? You have showed determination and there will be a high reward. Just because you get sad and down - it makes you human, not weak or desperate. "Keep on keepin' on" (so they say).....you will get there!