Saturday, January 14, 2006

Almost There

The expectant mom is doing well and is now dilated to 3 cm. She could go into labor any day. We are now just waiting for the call to head to the hospital. We have never been this close to becoming parents before and are hoping that all goes well. Please keep us, the potential birth mom and the baby in your thoughts and prayers!


petunia said...

OOOOOH how exciting! Will you buy the birthparents a gift? Is it a totally open adoption? will you be in the delivery room? i can't wait to read about the whole experience here on your blog!!

petunia said...

I left one message but i don't know where it went....
anyway this was it:
Is this a totally open adoption? Will you buy the birthparents a gift? Will you be in the delivery room? I can't wait to read about the whole thing on your blog!! congratulations and we will be praying for the both of you and the baby and the birthparents.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you

Anonymous said...

hey i wish u all the best. even though i am somewhere far away in an island called singapore, your blog has struck me alot. i myself am an adopted kid. i wish your kid all the best too.

Trista said...

Keeping you in our thoughts. Praying for God's grace in this situation, and for a beautiful baby girl to call your own. You're in the home stretch! :)

Anonymous said...

So many people are praying for both of you.The prayers will help to put that baby girl in your arms. I am praying for the birthparents and the baby also. Good luck and much happiness to all.