Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Too Soon to Tell

We heard from our social worker tonight. The meeting with the potential birth parents went well, and they are still interested in us. However, they haven't yet committed to us, our agency or an adoption plan. Our social worker has another meeting set up with them in a few weeks and hopes to know more then. So, we are still not yet matched. I guess it is just too soon to tell if this will work out. We'll just have to wait and see.


Beth Danae said...

congrats! sounds exciting, but does require patience...

Trista said...

Patience is a virtue which you are required to have in adoption, whether it comes naturally or not! Waiting is so difficult. I'm hoping this will be the situation for you. Here's wishing.

petunia said...

Still holding my breath......

petunia said...

It's been too long since your last post......i can only hold my breath so long - what's happening?????